Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The 4th of July and a Play Date

Ava would not take off her sunglasses. In fact, there were a total of 4 pairs of sunglasses on her face at one point. haha!

It was Rayna's turned to be pushed. I think they would have done this for days if Ava didn't have to leave.

Our friends Dave and Toni came over with their daughter Ava. Rayna and Ava made up this game where they pushed each other in her "mailcart". It was HILARIOUS to watch them. They'd push each other to one end of the room, the "rider" would get out of the cart, and then walk around the cart to push the other back across the room. haha!

Daddy and Ray Ray. She was wearing her bandana because it was misting outside, but I'd have to say, I think it just looks plain cute on her!!

Rayna and Mommy at Jen's getting ready for the fireworks!!

Rayna Lynn in her carseat getting ready to go to Jen's house for a 4th of July party and fireworks!!

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