Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa's Little Helper....

My how times flies! Rayna will 5 months in just about a week!!! And she is continuing to change each and every day! Right now the biggest things are that she is wanting to sit up more and more...not that she can sit all on her own yet, but she's getting there! We started using her "exersaucer" this past month, and she LOVES it! It enables her to stand and play with some different toys. And it sure is nice for mommy and daddy, too, to have something to occupy her a little bit. She was sure getting bored with just being held :0). She is "talking" a whole lot more, and recently we swear she said "uh-oh" one morning after waking up. Kind of ironic that she had a little "present" in her diaper for us. Rayna got to meet Great Grandpa Hilbert, Great Grandma Werner and Great Grandpa Werner during November. I am so happy that we were able to all get together!
Rayna was 13lbs 13oz and 25 inches long at her last doctor appointment (November 17th), and the doctor said that she was developing beautifully! She was in the 50th percentile in weight and 75th percentile in height. She's still keeping with my prediction that she's going to be tiny and tall! The doctor said I could try some food, but didn't need to because she was developing just fine. We did try cereal, sweet potatoes and carrots. She seems to hate them all! haha! So, I thought we would give her another month or so and try again.
Rayna celebrated her first Thanksgiving at Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Werners. Everyone was there and it was so nice to celebrate the holidays together! The food was delicious, and Rayna will be excited to enjoy it next year! I can't believe that we're already almost to Christmas! Ray just LOVES all the lights that we have up, and really enjoys the Christmas tree! I can not wait to see her on Christmas with her presents. That will be a real treat!

Some other things that she is doing now is somewhat holding onto her bottle, she's discovered that she has feet, and I think she's beginning to learn her name. She still LOVES music and when mommy sings to her! Although, she loves when anyone sings to her actually :0).

We hope all is well with you and your families this holiday season, and I hope to post more around Christmas time! Love to you all!