Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Headed for Donuts

This picture isn't that great because I took it with my cell phone, but we were headed to get donuts last Saturday and Rayna wanted to wear her sunglasses! Is she a future model or what? She looked so grown up sitting back there with her shades on!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas Eve with the Werners and Santa!!

Christmas Eve was a fun night had by all!! I love Rayna's face in this picture, even though I had to fight to keep her in the picture. hahaha!
Mammy and Pawpaw also got Rayna a kitchen to keep at their house and play with! Rayna LOVES to pretend cook and has already clocked many hours of pretend and fun playtime at her new kitchen!

The girls all got money - oh how you can speak to girls' hearts with money for shopping! hahaha!

Rayna got a dollhouse from Mammy and Pawpaw. She was very anxious and insisted on Mammy and Pawpaw opening it right then and there!

Rayna was really anxious to tear into the gifts this year! It was so cute to watch!

Kevin sitting quietly and listening to Pawpaw read the Christmas story :)

Rayna looking super cute!!

On Christmas Eve we celebrated Christmas at Mammy and Pawpaw Werner's house. To our surprise, Santa found us there and surprised us all!! Kevin and Rayna especially loved seeing him!! But everyone got a chance to sit on his lap :). Santa even brought one of his elf's this year! It sure was a fun time!