Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Has Sprung - Let the FUN begin!!

I would have to say that I'll do another pre-birthday celebration anytime with her! It was so much fun and such a fun memory to make! I am going to be sure and scrapbook this in her memory book!!
She was acting SOOO silly!!

She was MORE than thrilled with herself! PRICELESS!!!
Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday to YOU!! Happy Birthday Dear Rayna!! Happy (early) Birthday to YOU!!

Our finished Tinkerbell Cake, complete with candles because YES...we DID have to sing Happy Birthday and blow out candles!!

We had to enlist the help of Daddy to help us "stir, stir, stir!!"

This is a funny story! Rayna is really into Tinkerbell these days, and one day her and I were laying in bed and talking about her upcoming birthday (yes, I'm a bit of a planner since it's not until July)! I mentioned - what if we had a tinkerbell cake?? She LOVED the idea and that's all she would talk about the rest of the night "Tinkerbell Cake!" WELL....lesson learned - a 2 1/2 year old may not realize that her birthday is not the next day, so you probably shouldn't mention things until they are in the IMMEDIATE future! I FELT TERRIBLE!!! SOooo...I came up with a plan to make a Tinkerbell cake of our own! She was such a big help and LOVED IT!

Rayna has BEAUTIFUL long blonde hair, but she hardly ever lets me do anything with it! I managed to get her to sit long enough where I could put in pigtails, but she HATED the idea of me trying to take a picture of her! hahahaha! I just think her expression is priceless here though!

She picked all the colors, personally, and looked so concentrated on each one! It is so amazing seeing her mind at work!!
We made homemade Valentine's this year! Rayna had SOOOO much fun, and she looked like such a pro painting them herself! She definitely got her momma's artsy bug!! <3>

How could you ever say no to those eyes? It's hard - REAL HARD!!!