Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spencer is Graduating!!! WHOOT WHOOT!!!

Stationery card

View the entire collection of cards.

It's hard to believe, but my little brother will be graduating in a couple weeks! Mom and Dad let me take his senior pictures and we had a BLAST!!! I loved the time we spent together and I was even happier that everyone liked them! We all worked together and put together this Graduation Announcement for him, and I think it's way cooler than the boring announcements that you get from school! hahaha! I can't wait to see him walk across that stage during commencement and I can't wait to help him celebrate at his party! WAY TO GO SPENCER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mother's Day (Take Two)!

It would NOT be a complete day if Rayna didn't manage to get stuff all over her face! The black above her lip is a little pollen from a flower she got just a BIT too close to, and the line on the side of her face is Covergirl Outlast (and it does Outlast let me tell you...hahaha) Lipstick! SILLY GIRL!

Mother's Day was SUCH a fun day spent at home this year! The girls' got me 2 pink dogwood trees, one representing each of them! We planted them in the backyard where I can see them from the dining room and kitchen window! I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL THEY BLOOM NEXT YEAR!!! I just love dogwood trees and was THRILLED to know that is what I got from them this year! Something that I can always look at and remember my very first Mother's Day with two little girls! Rayna picked out who's was who's, and she was nice enough to water them BOTH (since Maycee obviously could not!) Also because Maycee needed a little help in standing by hers, I enlisted the help of mom to stand with her by her tree! What a fun mother's day it was!! How very thankful I am that I am blessed enough to celebrate this holiday myself now, and now with two little blessings that call me "Momma" (or at least one that does for now...and another that will later...hahaha)!

Happy Birthdays and Happy Mother's Day (Take One)

This year we got together at "Mammy's" to celebrate a whole lotta things all in one! haha! We got together to celebrate Susan's birthday, Grandma Hilbert's birthday AND Mother's Day for all the momma's on her side of the family! Boy was it a fun day! It was bittersweet, too, because we had no idea that this same week Grandma Hilbert would be moving to Ohio, so I'm really glad we all got together! I'm sure going to miss her face when we go to Indy, but sure hope she's liking her new apartment and the chance to spend more time with Aunt Bonnie! Of course I'm sentimental and HAD to get us all together for another generational picture! I LOVE these kind of photos! haha! It sure was a fun day had by all, and Rayna and Maycee got to play with their 2nd cousins - Ian and Colin. Can't wait to get the kids together again sometime! Grandma was so cute, too! When we got there she immediately wanted to hold Maycee and said to me, "Sarah, I have been waiting for this day!" Melted my little heart! I think the pictures of her and Maycee turned out so cute!

Rayna's Easter Pictures (ummm..FINALLY)!

She is just TOO PRECIOUS!!

An up close and personal look at our new "pretty shoes" as she calls them! haha! You can see that she even posed her leg for the picture! hahaha!

This picture is so funny to me! To prove that she is even MORE used to my CONSTANT picture taking, she sat right down and posed her hands ALL BY HERSELF!! Way to go my little model! hahaha!


She needed to take a brief break from our photo session and run as fast as she could away from me! hahahahaha!

She certainly looked so cute in her Easter dress and matching new shoes!!!

Well, I'm just a TAD late in posting Rayna's Easter pictures! hahaha! Better late than never, right? Oh my gosh - she was being such a ham that day in her pretty new Easter dress! She seems to be warming up to the camera (FINALLY) after about 3 years of my constant "say cheese!" I always get the "cheese" but sometimes she won't actually look at the camera when she's saying it! HAHAHA! So, I still just take what I can get! I didn't get a chance to really get the girls in their dresses together, but I did get them in their dresses seperate and we'll shoot for together next year! hahaha! Hard to believe we are just a couple weeks away from Memorial Day - wowza - this year is almost half over!!!

Maycee's One Month!!!

So I know that I'm just a few days late posting this (wow...12 to be exact) but it's hard to believe that Maycee Grace is already 1 month old!!! Granted I do not remember when everything happened with Rayna, but Maycee has been holding her head up on her own already!! And joke...she was doing this before we even left the hospital! I wonder if when babies are born bigger, if it means that they can hold their head up sooner? Just a theory, of course! Also, she is bearing weight on her legs already and has started to climb up my chest when I'm burping her after her bottle! She is beginning to be awake more and more during the day, with just little cat naps here and there, and we seem to be starting a trend of 4 hours between feedings at night! COME ON BABY GIRL - let's get to 8! hahahaha! Everything seems soooo much easier this time around though! Plus with the help of big sister - we are set!! Maycee goes for her 2 month check - up on June the 8th so I'll be sure to post her stats! She seems to have grown a TON though, even since that 2 week check up where she'd gained a pound and grown an inch! I'm trying to enjoy every minute since she is our last!! As a friend of mine says "How Sweet it is...This Life that I'm Livin'!"

Fun Day with Momma!

The day we went it was pretty chilly so I told her " not get in the water." You can see she went as close as she could, without getting in, and it was KILLING her I think! She loves to splash in the water! hahaha!

I wasn't sure what she was saying all across this balance beam, but she talked from one end to the other! It was so funny!


She kept saying, "nice goat...nice goat!" hahaha!

Finally we come to face to face with our friend "momma"!

This peacock was just strolling around as we were visiting. It was so strange to be so close to it! haha!

Every year we've taken a picture by this same butterfly. She could not waste much exploration time by posing, so we might have to do a "redo" sometime this summer! But I am excited to go back and look at how much she has changed from year to year! I'll have to post that sometime!

Throughout my maternity leave I have been doing a "switcheroo" with "Grammy" and having her watch Maycee vs. Rayna for the day. I wanted to make sure that my maternity leave also focused on helping Rayna adjust to life with a new baby, and wanted to make sure that she still feels special! On our first "fun day" a while ago we crammed the day FULL of her favorites! We started off the day by visiting the "llama" who had been "sleeping" for the winter! For those of you that know Rayna, you know she is OBSESSED with the zoo animals, especially the llama (who she calls "mamma"). After we visited the zoo we played on the playground for a bit! It was so fun to see how much more brave she is this year compared to last year! There was NOT a slide she did not go down and she scaled nets...walked across balance beams...swung forever on her favorite swing and just ran wild!! It's so fun to watch her in her "fun element!" She narated every move for me - she is talking SOOO much more these days! After we finally left the playground we had lunch at the "choo choo" pizza (aka Pizza King) and then had milkshakes together! Our day ended at her favorite spot in the mall "the owl" (aka the playground at the mall) and we rode the Merry Go Round 2x!! I think this year she will have NO FEAR riding the Merry Go Round at Indiana Beach and the fair!! I can hardly believe in 2 months she will be 3! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE??????? I just love every day, every moment that I get to spend with her and enjoy her! What a blessing she truly is (and her sister is as well!) How did I get so lucky? :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Maycee's First Bath!!

ALL CLEAN (and a little bit cross eyed)! hahaha!

She was wide eyed for the whole bath! She was a pretty good sport - I went as fast as I could! I just LOVE the smell of a freshly clean baby :)

YEAH!!!! Outdoor FUN!!!

Rayna and I FINALLY got outside for some FUN playtime!! She LOVES being outside and playing on her swingset, and she LOVES to blow bubbles. She was so excited when I got her Tinkerbell bubbles. We must have spent about an hour just blowing bubbles. I LOVE LOVE LOVE enjoying life through her eyes!! Life is so much more fun with the girls!! What joy they bring to our lives!!


This picture is too funny! It was towards the end of our playing, and I envisioned it as her practicing someday for the papparazzi! She just laid her head down on her steering wheel like - NO MORE MOM!!! hahaha!


Our chalk drawings...haha!

Somehow she managed to get some in her mouth! haha!

So cute and innocent!!