Monday, May 2, 2011

YEAH!!!! Outdoor FUN!!!

Rayna and I FINALLY got outside for some FUN playtime!! She LOVES being outside and playing on her swingset, and she LOVES to blow bubbles. She was so excited when I got her Tinkerbell bubbles. We must have spent about an hour just blowing bubbles. I LOVE LOVE LOVE enjoying life through her eyes!! Life is so much more fun with the girls!! What joy they bring to our lives!!


This picture is too funny! It was towards the end of our playing, and I envisioned it as her practicing someday for the papparazzi! She just laid her head down on her steering wheel like - NO MORE MOM!!! hahaha!


Our chalk drawings...haha!

Somehow she managed to get some in her mouth! haha!

So cute and innocent!!

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