Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Savings!!!

I wanted to post on my blog my Black Friday specials!!!!!!!!! Right now you can purchase a family/individual session + a CD of 20 images from your session for ONLY $75.00!!! That's a savings of over $50.00!!!! You have until 12/1 to take advantage of the offer, and payment must be received by 12/10/11. Your certifcate will be valid starting 1/1/2012 and will be good through 12/31/2012!!!! Don't miss out on this great offer!

And because I LOVE deals I thought that I'd run a second special!!! You can now get the "family" storyboard for $25.00 for one AND you can add an additional one for only $20.00 (would make a GREAT gift)!!!! You only have until SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27th to take advantage of this deal, so contact me SOON!!!

Thank you all for your continued support!!! You all have been keeeping me soooooooo busy, and I've loved EVERY MINUTE of it! I've met some great people along the way, and had the opportunity to photograph a lot of friends and their families too!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you ALL and I hope that your holidays are a great one!!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

We're Having Fun on VACATION!!!

Little Miss Blue Eyes herself :)

My little explorer - always curious, always wanting to wander!

Maycee - chomping away at those hands, as always :)

I almost got a smile - but a half dance pose, will certainly do!!

And for some strange reason, she was more than willing to give me a MAJOR cheese face! And I LOVED every minute of it :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

An Afternoon with Auntie Sue!

We spent an afternoon with Auntie Sue, and spent the time swimming outside. A common theme in my posts has been that it was HOT, and this was NO exception! Got some cute pictures of the girls (and auntie with May May)! Just love all these girls!! :)


The neighbor invited us to come over to his raspberry bush and pick as many as we'd like! By gosh - we were there that evening! hahaha! Rayna probably thought that weekend I was making her work way too hard (the day before we had picked blueberries)! I remember as a kid my parents having a raspberry bush, and I remember LOVING picking them and eating them right there in the garden! One of my only memories as a child, so I was so thrilled to recreate it with Rayna! And boy oh boy - nothing beats the taste of fresh raspberries!!! THANK YOU NEIGHBOR! :) Part of our bucket full! haha!

There were SOOOO many we could hardly pick them all!!


We went to the blueberry patch with Kaden, Wanda and Emily! It was so much fun, but as many of the days have been - sweltering hot!! The kids had fun, despite the heat, and I had hoped I'd get more pictures - but I came ill prepared and my battery died within minutes of us arriving :(. BOOOOOO!!! And now they are closed for the season, so I'll have to wait until next year for my photo ops! haha! that point Maycee will be bustling about and I could get some really great action shots of both the girls! hehehe! We only stayed about an hour, but we managed to get a pound and half, which really was just the perfect amount! We enjoyed them for Rayna's birthday party (and some in between)! In fact, Rayna kept picking them and eating quite a bit, so I wondered if we'd make it home with many at all! hahaha! Emily had commented that she wouldn't complain about paying $2 to $3 dollars a pint anymore because it was really hard work in that hot sun! I couldn't agree more!! :)

Kaden was showing his grandma what a great job he was doing at picking blueberries!! :)

They really were DELISH!!!!

hahahaha...apparently holding the bucket was really wearing on her so she held it behind her head for a while!

Poor Maycer's had to enjoy the patch from the stroller this year! But that didn't stop her from waving to the camera! haha!

I think she was searching for some to eat!

Monday, July 25, 2011

I've been playing around with my camera and this is my first shot in manual mode...yikes, it was scary and I still see I can improve but I thought that she was so cute the way she was looking that I had to post! hahaha!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

4th of July Photo Shoot

I was SOOOOOOOOOOO thrilled to buy the girls 4th of July outfits! And I envisioned taking pictures of them in them at the Battlefield. Just thought it'd be a cool scene, with cool colors and areas to complement their outfits. And was like a million degrees out! hahaha! I was so uncomfortable (and so were the girls)...but we all made the best of it! I managed to get some really cute shots of Rayna and Kaden (and a few of Maycee but she went and sat in the air conditioning after not too long)! hehehe!

Awwww, even crying how is she THAT cute?? hahaha!

My favorite picture of the two of them that day!

And what seemed like an unsaveable picture because of exposure, turns out to be one of my favorites to date! I <3 photoshop! hahaha!!

Random Pictures of the Girls!

Yes, she is ALWAYS this happy (Maycee that is). Below (Rayna)...yes, she is always happy to give you a "look" when the camera comes out! hahaha!

Maycee only got to wear this outfit once, until it was too small (in fact even when I made her wear it this day it might have been a smidge tight)! This was one of my FAVE's from Rayna though, but the purple headband and onesie underneath are new things that Maycee got! I feel like I had to mention that Maycee had gotten something new because it seems like a lot of the recent posts have been Maycee in something that Rayna had as a baby! hahaha!

Rayna transitioned into a twin bed! She LOVES it! It's still a work in progress - I'll be sure to post pictures when it's complete! Just another step towards big girl-ness! :)

Love this outfit that Maycee got as a gift! And yes, I am obsessed with putting headbands on her when I can! hehehe!


The girls and I went swimming at Mammy's pool. Rayna has really been into swimming this year and was SOOOOO excited! It was so fun to swim with her (Mammy sat by the pool with Maycee most the time but it was a bit hot for Maycee to be swimming and I didn't want her to get a sunburn!!!) I love it that Rayna is really starting to explore and find things she really likes, and I'd have to say - in this heat - I sure don't mind spending time in the pool!!

It was a bit hot for Maycee, so she enjoyed an afternoon nap in her stroller while we swam :)

Maycee got to wear what was Rayna's first swimsuit! Doesn't she just look so darn cute in that little two piece? Rayna was WAY too excited to go swimming to be laying down for a few pictures with her sister in their swimsuits! hahaha!

Awwww, my little bathing beauty!!

Sisters :)

I dragged the girls outside and tried to get some quick shots in their cute "Big Sister" and "Little Sister" attire! Oh how I just LOVE coordinating their outfits or finding cute things for them both to wear! And yes, I will be matching them (or coordinating them rather) until they tell me I can not anymore! I'm taking advantage of these "mommy" years before they gain their independence and don't want to wear anything I pick out! hahahaha!