Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The neighbor invited us to come over to his raspberry bush and pick as many as we'd like! By gosh - we were there that evening! hahaha! Rayna probably thought that weekend I was making her work way too hard (the day before we had picked blueberries)! I remember as a kid my parents having a raspberry bush, and I remember LOVING picking them and eating them right there in the garden! One of my only memories as a child, so I was so thrilled to recreate it with Rayna! And boy oh boy - nothing beats the taste of fresh raspberries!!! THANK YOU NEIGHBOR! :) Part of our bucket full! haha!

There were SOOOO many we could hardly pick them all!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oh my gosh those look DELISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband had blackberries growing early in the summer, but they're all gone now.