Sunday, July 24, 2011

Maycee is 3 months!!

YEAH!!! I'm 3 months!!!!!!!!

Maycee is such a HAPPY baby! Always smiling or cooing (or almost laughing now)! She's really started to replicate sounds that you make and she is starting to scoot with her legs (like if she's laying down she can push those legs and scoot on her back)! With Rayna I was wishing and hoping for the times to come when she would do this...or do that...but with Maycee I'm wishing that time would slow down! I think it's the realization that it won't be long and she'll be gaining more and more independence and won't want to be cuddled all the time :(. But don't get me wrong - it is AWESOME watching Rayna progress and progress!

It was getting really late when I tried to take some pictures with the little crochet hat that her big sister Rayna had! Oh how I just LOVE this hate and Maycers looked so cute in it! I thought that our hydrangea bush would be a nice place to take her pictures...wish I would have done it a bit earlier but she's still so cute regardless, right? :)

It was around 3 months that Maycee cried with tears for the first time! I couldn't resist taking a picture because even though sad - those wet little eyes looked so tempting to snap a picture really quick! Don't worry - I quickly picked her up and cuddled her, until it was all better :)

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