Monday, January 5, 2009

We made it through the Holidays!

Well, we made it through the holidays, and Rayna sure had a great and eventful holiday season. In the month of December she started rolling over, and she is getting quicker and quicker each day! She also has started eating her first foods, and seems to really have the hang of how to keep them in better now. The picture with the Sweet Potatoes all over her face were how the first few feedings went! Needless to say - we had bath time about everyday then!
Rayna has really taken a liking to her Exersaucer. She LOVES to bounce!!! It is so funny to watch her really get going. Rayna also has discovered her feet, and can put them in her mouth now. Diaper changes have become REALLY interesting between her trying to eat her feet and roll off the changing table! And I can imagine they will only get better!
Rayna really made out at Christmas! She got toys, clothes, and tons of other stuff! And I was really surprised that she was able to tear the wrapping paper herself. She was more interested in the paper than in the presents. I guess it's true - a box and paper always seems to satisfy them more than gifts! haha!
Rayna has her 6 month visit on January 19th, so I'll try and post an updated weight and height then. We hope that you all are well and made it through the holiday season just fine!

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