Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fun at the Zoo with Grammy!

Grammy loved her shirt that I sent her in that day. It says "My heart belongs to Grandma." Rayna sure loves all her grandparents though!! Her face just lights up whenever she's around Grandma and Grandpa Werner or Grandma and Grandpa Long.

Grammy said that Rayna was singing to her sheep the whole time they were swinging. haha! I can just imagine!!

Grammy was trying really hard to get Rayna to stand by the butterfly so that she could take her picture, but as you can see, she kept trying to run away. But what a cute picture!! Kind of shows her mischevious nature!! haha!

And she's getting ready to take off again! haha! I can only imagine that she's laughing at Grammy and saying, "Can you catch me?" haha!

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