Wednesday, July 21, 2010

4th of July Fun and Fireworks!!!

We enjoyed the 4th of July at Mammy and Pawpaw's house and Grandpa Long joined us for the festivites! It was a great time - good relaxed fun! We ordered some pizza and got some simple fireworks because we didn't quite know what Rayna would think of them. Concensus - as long as they made NO noise - she thought they were great! Which, I'd have to say, I think that the fountains are the prettiest! Daddy was going through withdrawals a little bit since he did not have his huge artilary shells to shoot of this year, but I assured him that one day I'm sure our kids would love the big ones that go boom (just like him :))!

Of course we had to do some "inging" at Mammy's house! Is anything sweeter than the genuine laugh they are sharing with one another here? Gotta love these girls!

One of our FANTASTIC fountains :) Thank you Daddy for being such a good fire lighter :)!

Rayna decided that she needed to see what Pawpaw was holding in his hand BUT she was sure to keep her distance!! :)

Is she sweet or what? She has a cart at Mammy's house that she likes to cart her things around in. In case you were wondering - she is chewing on her water friend, Mr. Polar Bear. What could be more appetizing? haha!

We all are so lucky to live in such a great country! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!! And everyone that ensures we have the ability to have this love and freedom!

Mr. Polar Bear has found his way into quite a few of our 4th of July photos :)

Rayna got a new sprinkler from her Great Grandma Hilbert, and we thought that this hot day was the perfect day to use it! Boy oh boy how they have changed the look of sprinklers these days! She really seemed to enjoy the idea that she controlled when (and how much) she got wet! She's way too much of a busy body to sit in the pool that we got her last summer! hahaha! I am certain we will get a lot of use out of this with these hot summer days that we've been having!!
Taking a strole after a visit to the sprinkler :)

I tried to steal a shot with her by the sprinkler...this was the only one. She is much to quick these days!

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